Ritual for pregnancy loss, stillbirth or termination.

Who this ritual is for: For any mama’s who have experienced loss. 

What you will need: Candle and Rose Quartz. 

Moon phase/s to work with: Full Moon. 

The loss of a child is a traumatic experience, however for many women, they feel that pregnancy loss is an invisible loss. No matter how far in the pregnancy a person is, the loss of a child still has an exuberant effect on anyone, and calls for space and time to grieve. 

Taking time to process the emotions associated with pregnancy loss, and honouring your child, is important in the healing process. 

For this ritual, you might like to go and buy yourself a special candle that when lit, will be a reminder of your child, and your love for them. 

Some other ways to honour and remember your child that we suggest: 

  • Buying a beautiful plant as a reminder of them, or planting a tree or flower plant in your garden. 

  • Lighting a candle each night in memory. 

  • Creating a memory box with any keep-sakes, ultrasounds, or anything else you may have to remember them. 

  • Having a memorial for your child. 


  1. In your sacred space, light a candle, let this candle be a reminder of your baby, and find a comfortable space to lay down. 

  2. Hold on to your Rose Quartz for its loving support. 

  3. Connect to Reiki and place one hand on your heart and one on your womb. Allow any and all emotions to come up; anger, grief, sadness, fear.. And simply hold yourself in unconditional love. If you don’t feel ready to hold yourself in Reiki, hold on to your crystal instead. 

  4. Visualise your heart energy connecting with your womb, see and feel your womb be filled with the energy of love. 

  5. If you have felt any judgment, anger or shame towards your body, you may like to spend this time repeating any mantras that resonate with you; “I forgive you”, “I love you”, “I am safe”.

  6. If you feel comfortable and called to, you can also spend some time sending Reiki energy, compassion and understanding to your spirit baby. 

  7. Light your candle every night until the wax has burned out and keep your Rose Quartz somewhere special, and let these items be a loving reminder of your baby. 



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